HTML color codes

HTML Color Codes Part 1 – Web Design Colors

The Beginners Guide to HTML Color Codes

Yes, it can be fun to do cool things with color! This web design tutorial will teach you how to spruce up your web pages with HTML color codes quick & easy.

Learn about HTML color codes, or sometimes called hex color code in this simple tutorial. Web color never looked so good.

HTML Color Codes — A Guide for Beginners Part 1

HTML color codesHTML color codes are numbers, letters or a combination of the two that determine which colors appear on your web pages.

As a beginning webmaster, web page color codes can be confusing. So, in this HTML Color Code guide, you’ll learn why it’s so important that you choose proper HTML colors for your web pages.

Discover what HTML color codes are, and how to insert them into your web pages.

Choosing the Right HTML Color Codes

Every website design is unique.

Some websites offer products for sale while others offer services. Some websites simply offer information, and using the help from experts can mean a lot.

With every site on the Internet being different, naturally the HTML colour choices will vary from one website to the other.

“All Business” HTML Color Code

For instance, the colors on an insurance agency’s website will likely be very different from those of a gift basket website.

Why? Colors create moods.

On the insurance website, dark colors such as;

  • black
  • blue
  • green
  • burgundy
  • or brown for primary colors.

To enhance these colors, dashes of lighter colors can be sprinkled throughout the web page.

Complimentary colors are;

  • beige
  • pink
  • red
  • yellow
  • light green
  • ash
  • light grey
  • lavender, etc.

These HTML colors together create a contrast. This give the site a fresh look while also keeping it “business-like.”

It’s perfectly fine to create a “business” look with websites that promote businesses such as insurance, healthcare, accounting, financial investments, etc.

Visitors expect these types of websites to be simple and to the point.

“Cheerful” HTML Color Codes

On the other hand, an online gift basket shop might use pastels or bright colors as its primary HTML colors. These include;

  • hot pink
  • bright red
  • pastel blue
  • pink
  • lavender
  • mint green
  • yellow, etc.

You can enhance these colors with darker colors such as;

  • dark purple
  • navy blue or electric blue
  • emerald green
  • burgundy, etc.

Each web page can be color coded according to its theme.

For instance, a Christmas gift page would use different colors than a St. Patrick’s Day page.

Other types of websites using these HTML color codes include;

  • wedding gift or wedding supply retailers
  • bath and body, home decor
  • women’s tips and health
  • children’s products
  • jewelry, baked goods, etc.

Visitors expect these websites to be designed in a cheerful manner.

Determine the Mood you want to Create on Your Website

Before you begin designing your website, determine the type of mood you would like to create for visitors.

Do you want them to be distracted by colorful objects or product images? Or, do you want them to concentrate on reading your text?

Also, ask yourself what type of product or service do I offer?

Do customers need to be serious-minded as I make my presentation? Or, do they need to be highly emotional or cheerful?

Once you determine the mood you’d like to create, take a look at some HTML color code combinations below to see if any match your website’s theme.

Of course, there are other website colors but we’ll discuss the many HTML color codes and how to create them in part 2.

Here are some examples of HTML color combinations and the moods they can create:

HTML color codes

Got a Website? Choose Your HTML Color Codes Wisely

types of html color codesAfter taking a look at the colors above, you can get a general idea of the HTML colors that would work well for your website.

There are many variations of colors, so try and get the best combinations before designing your website.

Great colors along with informative content using these HTML easy color codes can help turn visitors into paying customers. You can get lots of tips like these my webmaster course site.

I hope you learned some tips about HTML color codes here and will visit again soon. Now go to part 2 to get more color code info.

HTML Color Codes Part 1